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Neck Pain (1)

Acupuncture for neck and shoulder pain: An integrated approach to healing

It’s estimated that half of the UK adult population will experience some sort of significant episode of neck or shoulder pain in their lifetime, and that for 20 percent of those who do, that pain will be chronic (meaning it’s present for 3 months or more).

For those who experience this type of pain, it can feel like a prison sentence from which there’s no escape. But it doesn’t have to be this way.

By understanding what causes neck and shoulder pain, and how it can be prevented and alleviated, it is possible to mitigate or even eliminate ongoing musculoskeletal issues to have either minimum levels of discomfort, or even be pain-free.

What causes neck and shoulder pain?

Neck and shoulder pain are common ailments that many people experience for various reasons. Some of the causes can be controlled, others less so.

While conventional treatments like pain medication and physical therapy can provide relief, an alternative and holistic approach that has gained popularity is acupuncture, which can help to mitigate some of the physiological issues that cause discomfort.

Causes of neck and shoulder pain can include:

  • Muscle strain: Overuse or strain of the muscles in the neck and shoulders, often due to poor posture, repetitive movements, or carrying heavy loads.
  • Poor posture: Prolonged sitting with improper ergonomics, hunching over electronic devices, or maintaining an awkward position can contribute to neck and shoulder pain.
  • Trauma or injury: Accidents, falls, or sudden impacts can lead to injuries such as whiplash, strains, or sprains.
  • Herniated discs: Discs in the spine that cushion the vertebrae can bulge or rupture, causing pressure on nerves and resulting in pain that may radiate to the neck and shoulders.
  • Arthritis: Conditions like osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis can affect the joints in the neck and shoulders, causing pain and stiffness.
  • Pinched nerves: Compression or irritation of nerves in the neck or shoulder region can lead to pain and discomfort.
  • Stress and tension: Emotional stress and tension can contribute to muscle tightness and pain in the neck and shoulders.
  • Degenerative disc disease: The natural aging process can lead to wear and tear on the discs between the vertebrae, causing pain and stiffness.
  • Tendonitis: Inflammation of tendons in the shoulder, often caused by overuse or repetitive motions.
  • Other medical conditions: Certain medical conditions, such as fibromyalgia or myofascial pain syndrome, can cause widespread muscle pain, including the neck and shoulders.

These make up the most common reasons for people to experience pain in the upper body, not limited to just the neck and shoulders.

Understanding Acupuncture:

Acupuncture is an integral part of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) that dates back thousands of years. It involves the insertion of thin, sterile needles into specific points on the body to stimulate energy flow, known as Qi or Chi.

According to TCM principles, disruptions in the flow of Qi can lead to pain and illness, and acupuncture aims to restore balance and promote healing.

How Acupuncture Works for Neck and Shoulder Pain:

Acupuncture is an holistic treatment that ensures a whole-body approach to wellness and recovery. It works by addressing issues including:

Promoting blood flow: Acupuncture needles stimulate blood circulation, which can help reduce inflammation and promote healing in the affected areas of the neck and shoulders.

Releasing endorphins: The insertion of needles triggers the release of endorphins, the body’s natural painkillers. This can lead to immediate relief and a sense of overall well-being.

Muscle relaxation: Acupuncture can help relax tense muscles in the neck and shoulders, providing relief from stiffness and pain associated with muscle tension.

Nervous system regulation: Acupuncture has been shown to influence the autonomic nervous system, which plays a role in pain perception. By regulating the nervous system, acupuncture may help reduce sensitivity to pain.

Several studies have explored the effectiveness of acupuncture in treating neck and shoulder pain, and while more research is needed, a meta-analysis published in the Journal of Pain Research in 2017 found that acupuncture was effective in reducing pain intensity and improving function in individuals with chronic neck pain.

Personalised Treatment Plans:

One of the strengths of acupuncture is its patient-centric tailored approach, with individual treatments plans created to meet and resolve the patient’s specific symptoms, health history, and overall well-being.

Combining acupuncture with other therapies

If you’re a regular reader of my blog, you’ll know I’m a strong advocate for an integrative approach to healthcare – in other words, making acupuncture part of a joined-up care plan that also includes any treatment you’re receiving from a clinical caregiver, such as your GP, and the patient’s lifestyle management.

Acupuncture offers a unique and holistic approach to addressing neck and shoulder pain by tapping into the body’s natural healing mechanisms.

While individual responses may vary, many people have reported significant improvements in pain and overall well-being through acupuncture.

If you are considering acupuncture for neck and shoulder pain, it’s crucial to consult with a qualified acupuncturist who can assess your specific needs and create a personalised treatment plan tailored to your health goals.

Embracing this ancient practice may lead you on a journey to a pain-free and balanced life.

If you’d like to know more about how acupuncture can help you to manage your neck and shoulder and other musculoskeletal pain issues, please get in touch – I’d love to hear from you.


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