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Acupuncture for Weight Loss in London

Our acupuncture for weight loss treatments could be the answer if you’re struggling to stay in control of the scales.

Most of us have probably had times in our lives when we’ve been carrying a little too much weight and need to shed a few pounds – a reality evidenced by the fact that the UK diet industry is currently estimated to be worth around £2bn.

For most people it’s a problem that can be solved by focusing more on our intake of less healthy foods and drinks and renewing our positive relationship with the number of calories we consume.

But for others it’s less easy, and that could be for all sorts of reasons, some of which have less to do with willpower and more to do with other underlying health or emotional issues that trigger poor choices over what we eat.

What is acupuncture for weight loss?

 The first thing to say is that acupuncture treatment is not a magic wand that will solve your weight issues overnight. Neither will it support you in your journey to a healthy weight without a commitment from you to change your relationship with the food you eat.

It may be that there are underlying health issues that make it difficult for you to achieve and then maintain a healthy weight – a dysfunctional thyroid, polycystic ovaries, conditions such as diabetes, or unique metabolic factors are all common reasons for people to be overweight, even when they are actively trying to eat healthily.

If you are otherwise physically healthy, it may be that stress or anxiety is preventing you from achieving your weight goals.

Acupuncture can help in both cases – either by addressing underlying health conditions that may contribute to fluctuating or increasing weight, or by helping to tackle known factors.

But it’s important to remember that whatever’s stopping you from reaching your ideal weight, eating well, and taking exercise are always the biggest contributors to any weight loss journey.

Our acupuncture for weight loss in London works by using special superfine needles inserted under the skin to stimulate our natural inner energy, known as qi, which can become blocked or interrupted, leading to poor physical health and reduced efficiency of both the body’s natural immune system and metabolism.

Because Traditional Chinese Medicine recognises that symptoms often do not manifest in the location of the problem (a good example is a headache that is caused by musculoskeletal issues in the torso or limbs), the needles are inserted at specific locations on the body that relate to key physiological functions.

Whether we have identified an underlying health issue (that may also benefit from you seeing your GP), or we are trying to tackle a known stress or anxiety trigger, the acupuncture you receive from us will be tailored to your specific issue.

The aim of acupuncture for weight loss is to remove, or mitigate, the physical and/or psychological barriers that prevent you from getting the results you’re looking for.

Although you may see an immediate improvement in your attitude or approach to food, it’s likely that you will need a series of acupuncture treatments to benefit in the long term.

Acupuncture for Weight Loss in London

Why use acupuncture for weight loss?

 If you’re someone who’s tried every fad diet going and nothing has worked, then sadly you aren’t alone. That’s because most of us see ‘diets’ as a temporary step that we take in order to achieve a certain target weight before then relapsing into our previous eating behaviours.

In principle, and assuming there is no health issue contributing to your weight gain, losing weight is easy. It’s keeping it off that’s tough, and that requires you to make permanent lifestyle changes.

Acupuncture for weight loss in London can help to either mitigate other health issues to allow you to make progress in your weight journey, or to support you psychologically in addressing the triggers that prompt you to make poor food choices.

At The Acupuncturists clinic in London, we believe in an integrative approach to managing patient health. This means that where appropriate or necessary we will work with your clinical health practitioner (usually your GP or hospital consultant) to help you to achieve your goals.

But you are also a part of that care team – taking on some of the responsibility for identifying the right approach for you personally, and then making a commitment to see it through.

Who will benefit from acupuncture for weight loss?

Our acupuncture treatment for weight loss is offered by exceptional and experienced therapists and is suitable for everyone unless there are known medical reasons or circumstances that make it inappropriate.

If you’re struggling to achieve a healthy weight, why not contact us for an informal and confidential chat to find out how acupuncture could work for you?

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